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I am Tisha Ritama, dreamy girl from Indonesia. Love reading, writing and drawing so much. For me, sharing is the best way to gather some new ideas – also inspirations.

Most Updated Stories

Latest stories about me: my mind, favorite things, and some crazy spice of life. Here are more.

Recent Baby Steps

Discover more about how I gather and transfer my ideas through the arts. Know more.

Planning for Merging?!

Hi, there! I am back again! Well, this post gonna be different. Because I want to tell you about my NEWEST idea here. Basically, I started blogging about some serious stuff from 2019. I wrote many stories about my life as an introvert. You can see my old blog posts here (will be deleted soon).…


Hi all! How are you? I hope this year will be an amazing year for all of us. Last month, I just got some brilliant ideas. I decided to make my arts or sketch come to life. Not just in the digital format, but also in my personal things and my personal life. So, first,…

Only Sketch Mode

Hi, long time no see! It’s been a long time. Recently, I am busy to keep drawing and keeping my mood on. I am sorry I forgot to post all of my newest drawing here. I am not very good in sketching. So I tried to improve my sketching skills. As always, I am still…

Art Gallery & Projects

Little pieces of sketches and colors that matter to my life. Discover More.


Don’t worry too much about tomorrow. Go slow to grow and glow. Let it flow.

– Tisha Ritama

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